A 60 minute intake appointment is $225. Each 50 minute session (“therapy hour”) is $185. I am out of network with insurance providers and can provide you with a Superbill that you can utilize to file directly with your insurer. Many insurance plans will provide you with some level of reimbursement for out-of-network services.
The short answer to a complex question is that it allows the flexibility you and I need to provide you with the care that you and I determine you need, without a third party dictating what concerns you do or do not deserve to address in therapy. Insurance companies are motivated to decrease costs and thus sometimes deny coverage or make dictates about how therapy is delivered that can compromise your clinical care. Moreover, health insurers and a new wave of in-person and online “Big Box” therapy companies marketing that their help is better are, in fact, driving down the quality of mental health care at a time when these services are most needed.
Depending on your history and the nature of your particular concerns, the path can be varied, sometimes coming in stops and starts. Perhaps you did not have a good connection to your past therapists, perhaps you had a therapist who was more focused on storytelling than providing treatment, perhaps you just were not at a place in your own life to really engage treatment, or perhaps it really helped, but as soon as you discontinued things went back to how they had been.
If you have the sense that having another go at therapy is the best option before you, let’s take a look at your situation and past therapy experiences together and see if I may have something to offer you at this time in your life. That sense that you want change deserves your time and attention. While I may not be the best therapist for you, I will gladly look into the possibility with you. In my experience, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy often provides clients who have a therapy history with something different that can help them make a meaningful pivot and meaningful changes. See the About Me page for more information about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
During our first appointment or two we will work together to clarify the nature of your issues, identify how those concerns came to be and have been maintained, and co-create an approach and direction for therapy that can lead to healing and lasting behavior change.
Our first appointment is the opportunity for you and I to assess goodness of fit between you and your needs and myself and my clinical capabilities. Research is clear that the relationship between therapist and client is a reliable and strong predictor of outcome. So, should either of us feel that we are not likely to work well together, or if in my opinion I am not the most appropriate resource for you, we will discuss referral options.
It is. As is always the case with services via secured video technology, during our intake process, we will assess whether telehealth is appropriate for your specific needs from therapy. Though uncommon, there are some instances where telehealth is not appropriate. In such circumstances, whether you live in the Piedmont Triad and declined to come in-person or live elsewhere in North Carolina or in Texas, we would discuss referral options that might best meet your needs.
Absolutely. Some weeks your schedule may only allow you to duck out to your car or close your office door for an hour, but not allow the additional thirty minutes of travel time. In such cases, where clinically appropriate, telehealth allows you flexibility to remain consistent in your therapy attendance.